Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wish Goals

I love wish goals. I am a dreamer. I love to see my wishes "manifest". I've spent a lot of time with wish goals, and I've had the opportunity to see some of my wishes come true.

With wish goals, some people recommend that you dream big. If you are not super-excited about your wish, it's because it's not big enough, they say. Others recommend starting small in order to build up confidence in your ability to pre-visualize your life. Once you see small success, you get motivated to work on bigger dreams.

I guess it depends on your situation. If you haven't seen goals accomplished, then you may want to start small. But if you are bored with your goal, you might want to make it brighter, bigger and more colorful.

I always loved the stories of people who got three wishes. What would I do with my three wishes? Of course, in the story, the wisher almost always blows one or two wishes on something stupid, which made me angry. If I had that opportunity, I would take the time to ask for some really great stuff, I thought.

In fact, when I started learning about "mind power", I did take the time to ask for some really great stuff. And some of it I received in such a way that it cemented my belief in the power of the mind. After studying and practicing more about mind power, meditation and hypnosis, I learned that our emotions and thoughts are constantly sending signals that have an impact on the direction of our experience within the flow of life.

I used to be a river guide and kayak instructor. What I learned to do was to control my body and my boat on the river, and to work with the river to control my destination. But one thing that we couldn't control was the river. And when we look at ourselves within the flow of life, we can gain greater control over the destinations and increase our enjoyment of the ride, but there are some things we cannot control. But once we accept that, we can improve our ability to read the flow and make the best choices for ourselves.

Making wish goals a pro-active practice is a way to become conscious of the stream of thoughts and emotions. And by getting clear on what you want, you begin to gain competence in directing yourself within the flow of life.

What's great about wish goals is they really don't have to be realistic at all. But all goals, including wish goals should be: Specific, positive-voice, and in present tense.

Additionally, you must "act as if" you already have the dream; you must inhabit the reality of the wish as much as you are able. More about these in a moment.

The most important thing about wish goals is to get emotionally involved with it. Wish goals don't have to be realistic, because what really makes wish goals work is EMOTION. For example, you may wish you could fly. And you don't mean in an airplane, you mean like a bird or an angel or superman. But if you close your eyes and really feel yourself flying as in your wish, what you have is the emotion of flying, what flying represents to you. And that is something actually unique and definitely real. And you may not get your actual wish, but what you really desire is the emotion that you connect with flying. And you can absolutely have that emotional experience. And by wishing to fly and getting connected with it emotionally, you find yourself drawn toward actual experiences that give you that specific emotional connection.

Problems with unrealistic goals include a) you may dismiss and easily give up on it and b) it is probably not specific, therefore you never connect it with anything... it's like a dream that you forget when you wake up or will-o-wisp that you follow until you are lost in the woods. But if you remember that wish goals help you to trigger emotions, it can be fun and extremely practical. Because if you want to get very real, behind or underneath every goal is an emotional experience that you want; and if you don't get that emotional experience when you reach your goal, you will feel unfulfilled. Ultimately, the emotion is the goal. Therefore you can always have what you want.

Now back to nuts and bolts.

Be specific. If you want to be rich, what does that mean to you? How will you know that you are rich? If it's money, how much money? Whatever it is you want, try to narrow your focus down to something very specific. The more specific it is, the more real it is, and the more power you have to inhabit the reality.

Positive-voice. This means focus on what you want, rather than what you don't want. If you find some of your goals are negative, such as I don't like living here, try to imagine where you do want to live.

Use the present tense. The only real time is the now. If you think about wanting something in the future, it will always be in the future-- as in imaginary.

Two other ideas will help you with your goals: That is to specify a time that you have or do or accomplish your wish goal; and to make your goal measurable. Again, making your goal more specific.

However, these last two may be more important for drafting concrete goals. Remember, wish goals are mostly about the emotion.

Concrete goals are more about making it real.


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